Thursday, March 6, 2008


Yes, dear readers, I have gone to the dark side. I decoupaged a piece yesterday and found the process not only fun but exceptionally rewarding. And Mister D had a great time tearing up the bits of paper to help out.

Before, a worn out looking MDF shoe cabinet, also known as "The Shoe Kitchen" in our house. It had some water damage to the top of it and well, it was ugly ol' MDF.

I prepped by lightly cleaning the surface of dust and stickiness. Gotta love the Stretch-N-Dust :-)

And now, the after:

I am really happy with the result and with how easy and inexpensive this was to do. The paper is the remnant of a roll of wrapping paper that I found behind my television while dusting. (Note to self, dust more, you may find more goodies.) I know there are various gluey substances that can be bought but this was done with good ol' white glue, a bit of water, and a sponge on a stick. The biggest problem I ran into was the bubbles that seemed to plague larger pieces. I had to spend extra time smoothing with my fingers.

If I start making cozies of any variety, please, someone, commit me to the nearest mental health facility.


Anonymous said...

Those bubbles. They have nice tools for wallpapering that work really well. A wallpapering brush, or one of those roller things (just go browse the hardware store). I found when wallpapering, that a pinhole or tiny knife cut in the paper, while still wet, allowed the bubbles to escape and nobody could ever tell that I had cut the paper.

Raiye said...

Thanks, sws! This was the first time I tried it and I was really trying to do it without purchasing anything new although I did cave and spend 39 cents for a sponge on a stick! If I do try it again, I will definitely try the pin hole suggestion.